Recoveries Anonymous will work for you!
R.A. is a unique Twelve Step program of recovery! We welcome and will work for everyone, regardless of their problems or behaviors, including yours. In R.A., we work the Twelve Steps the same way the pioneers, the originators of the Twelve Step program, did. We then get the same permanent recovery and contented, useful life they did.
At our meetings, we only discuss the program's spiritual solution. We do not share about our problems or behaviors. This means your family and friends are also welcome to attend. In R.A., we guide newcomers to follow the pioneer's original clear-cut directions to fully work all Twelve Steps. We recommend going through this process with an R.A. Sponsor for the best results. R.A. has no dues or fees, so this is a free service.
You can find an R.A. Sponsor at your local R.A. group or by contacting us through our website. It is important to note that an R.A. Sponsor is not a counselor or therapist. Instead, they will guide you through the process of working all Twelve Steps. They will do this using the pioneers' original clear-cut directions provided in R.A.'s Multilith Big Book.
R.A. is an anonymous Twelve Step program of recovery. Therefore, when asking for an R.A. Sponsor through our website, please give us specific permission to pass your contact information on to an available R.A. Sponsor. Please include your time zone and any preference as to gender. We will do our best to match your request. If we do not succeed, let us know, and we will try again.
For years, R.A. has been helping people find a full recovery from their various problems and behaviors. Many of them thought they were hopeless. Do not be discouraged! Life will take on new meaning when you thoroughly work all Twelve Steps of our recovery program.
In R.A., our focus is on the program's original spiritual "common solution" instead of our problems and behaviors. We start by discussing this solution at our meetings. Then, we start living in it and sharing it with those who are still suffering. When we do this, we progress into this solution and are restored to sanity in every part of our lives. We start behaving sanely and normally in the same situations that used to baffle us. We find a permanent recovery and a contented, useful life!
The pioneers of the Twelve Step program of recovery explain this process. They do this in the current Big Book, on page 17. They say, "The tremendous fact for every one of us is that we have discovered a common solution. We have a way out on which we can absolutely agree, and upon which we can join in brotherly and harmonious action. This is the great news this book carries to those who suffer from alcoholism [as well as from all other problems and behaviors]."
Please click the "Frequently Asked Questions" button for more information about this. Also, please read the "R.A.'s Newcomers" page.